Tuesday 8 July 2008


I arrive at my accommodation for the week in Manchester university campus, where I will be doing work experience about neuroscience (details to follow!), after the office has closed, and so am forced to seek assistance elsewhere; A very kindly very Manchurian security guard lady shows me to my "digs", explaining to me the mechanisms for the use of the various keys. Her uniform, in combination with the institutional off-white walls and graphitied door of the dingy kitchen put me in mind of a prison. Strongly. Very strongly.

Shortly, once I’ve figured out where everything is, and how it works, I install myself a bit further into the infinitesimal room, which I’m pleased to report is by now growing on me; in spite of it’s institutionalness, it has a charming character, added to significantly by the inescapable clutter that seems to follow me everywhere, and also probably my quilt, which is covered in large coloured numbers. Less prisony now!

I telephone Mum, who’s pleased to know I still exist. I then telephone Liam (boyfriend) who was very sad that he missed seeing me in Pirates, especially as he will now not see me for two further weeks; he says he’s missed me enough for one! He’s such a sweetie! I think I do like him. Hmm... I think I’ll go to Canal Street one of these evenings.

Bedtime. As I’ve variable internet access, I can’t catch up on Dr Who, or for that matter, keep my blog up to date, so this week’s blog will go up as this single post, and perhaps an additional few, if I get it up before the week is out. next week’s will be the same.

Monday morning was odd. I felt very free and independant, but also very lonely. The day’s work was eventful; I found out the poor woman who organised this for me has been (I can only infer) so busy that she got confused about the date I was coming, as she told me she was expecting me next week! Most of today I spent attending interesting meetings about;

· The use of fMRI for studying schizophrenia patients performing cognition tasks that put a large pressure on the active memory, (I will do this tomorrow)

· Interview and then fMRI on unmedicated ADD/ADHD patients performing tasks that stimulate their unregulated “callous and unemotional” behaviours. (Friday!)

· Simultaneous EEG and fMRI on people being caused to anticipate and subsequently experience pain.

I guess a little bit of scientific explanation is in order. fMRI is functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and refers to the use of a scanner that uses the relative intensity of hydrogen atoms in a structural scan of the brain (this stage is actually sMRI, and a separate thing from fMRI, and can be used separately –structural MRI – but is required for fMRI also, as it forms the basis of the images that are to be analysed) to the intensity of oxyhaemoglobin in the functional scan to locate the areas with the greatest blood flow to them, and therefore the greatest activity occurring within them. The interviews asses the severity of the psychopathy of the patient. EEG uses electrodes placed on the scalp to detect activity of brain areas by detecting brain waves. (Yes brain waves exist!)

Aside from that it was domestic minutiae. This unfortunately included the extermination of a horrid bug in the kitchen when I was attempting to prepare myself some food. YUK!

Oh, and I’ve finally seen Dr Who! What a series climax! Wow!

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